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Partnering with you in a thought-provoking
and creative process that inspires you
to step up and step into
your living legacy

Who are you becoming?

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A Bit About Me

I am a Professional Certified: Coach, Executive Coach, Group Coach, Team Coach, Mentor Coach, and Coaching Supervisor with thousands of hours of coaching experience and education.
I also teach & train individuals to become coaches themselves.

I am an active member of the coaching organizations

I am additionally certified in many psychometric instruments for those willing to accept, acknowledge, and adjust their current way-of-being towards a new way-of- being.

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Your Choice of Coaching Services

Interested in being coached?

Thanks for submitting - I look forward to answering you soon!

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Interested in becoming a certified executive coach?

Join me in partnership with the University of Toronto's
Rotman Executive Coaching Certificate program

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